Pattern and High Frequency Words

Yellow Group Word List 

Week 1
of the Week 

Long A -ai, ay, a_e

High Frequency Words:

  1. with
  2. from
  3. have
  4. what
  5. were


 Week 2
of the Week 

Long E -ee, ea, y, e_e

High Frequency Words:

  1. then
  2. many
  3. some
  4. would
  5. other


 Week 3
of the Week 

Long I -ie, ight, y, i_e

High Frequency Words:

  1. first
  2. people
  3. know
  4. through
  5. write


 Week 4
of the Week 

Long O -ao, ow, o_e

High Frequency Words:

  1. right
  2. around
  3. another
  4. come
  5. does


 Week 5
of the Week 

Long U -ew, u_e, oo

High Frequency Words:

  1. different
  2. again
  3. great
  4. every
  5. between
Week 6
of the Week 

Short a and e

High Frequency Words:

  1. should
  2. give
  3. own
  4. read
  5. while


 Week 7
of the Week 

Short i, o and u

High Frequency Words:

  1. might
  2. below
  3. saw
  4. often
  5. don't


 Week 8
of the Week 

er and or sounds

High Frequency Words:

  1. world
  2. without
  3. animal
  4. enough
  5. head


 Week 9
of the Week 

ur and ir words

High Frequency Words:

  1. above
  2. almost
  3. earth
  4. picture
  5. white


 Week 10
of the Week 

ore, oar, air, are, ure

High Frequency Words:

  1. ever
  2. paper
  3. hard
  4. near
  5. sentence


 Week 11
of the Week 


High Frequency Words:

  1. better
  2. best
  3. across
  4. during
  5. today


 Week 12
of the Week 

oy and oi

High Frequency Words:

  1. however
  2. sure
  3. knew
  4. it's
  5. try


 Week 13
of the Week 

pr, sh, th, pl

High Frequency Words:

  1. told
  2. young
  3. sun
  4. thing
  5. whole


 Week 14
of the Week 

ck, ct, ft, ld, mp, nd

High Frequency Words:

  1. hear
  2. example
  3. heard
  4. several
  5. change


 Week 15
of the Week 

ng, nk, nt, pt, sk, st

High Frequency Words:

  1. answer
  2. room
  3. sea
  4. against
  5. top


 Week 16
of the Week 

ch, tch

High Frequency Words:

  1. turned
  2. learn
  3. point
  4. city
  5. toward


 Week 17
of the Week 

spr, shr, str, squ, scr, spl, thr

High Frequency Words:

  1. five
  2. himself
  3. usually
  4. money
  5. seen


 Week 18
of the Week 

gh, ph, f

High Frequency Words:

  1. third
  2. eight
  3. orange
  4. Wednesday
  5. flight


 Week 19
of the Week 

mb, gn, wr, kn, stle

High Frequency Words:

  1. didn't
  2. car
  3. morning
  4. body
  5. upon


 Week 20
of the Week 

ge, gi, gy, hard "g"

High Frequency Words:

  1. family
  2. later
  3. turn
  4. move
  5. face


 Week 21
of the Week 

Soft ce, ci, cy and Hard "c"

High Frequency Words:

  1. door
  2. cut
  3. done
  4. group
  5. true


 Week 22
of the Week 

Endings: ed, ing

High Frequency Words:

  1. short
  2. United States
  3. run
  4. book
  5. gave


 Week 23
of the Week 

Suffixes: ly, less, ness, ful, ily

High Frequency Words:

  1. order
  2. open
  3. ground
  4. cold
  5. really


 Week 24
of the Week 

Suffixes: y, al, able, ible

High Frequency Words:

  1. table
  2. remember
  3. course
  4. front
  5. American


 Week 25
of the Week 

Suffixes: tion, sion, ment, er, est

High Frequency Words:

  1. space
  2. inside
  3. ago
  4. sad
  5. early


 Week 26
of the Week 

Prefixes: re, dis, un, im, in

High Frequency Words:

  1. I'll
  2. learned
  3. brought
  4. nothing
  5. though
 Week 27
of the Week 

Plurals: regular and irregular: s, es, f to v, y to i

High Frequency Words:

  1. idea
  2. lived
  3. became
  4. add
  5. become


 Week 28
of the Week 

Compound Words

High Frequency Words:

  1. grown
  2. draw
  3. yet
  4. less
  5. wind


 Week 29
of the Week 

Homophones or Homonyms

High Frequency Words:

  1. behind
  2. cannot
  3. letter
  4. among
  5. able
Week 1


  1.  away
  2. base
  3. game
  4. nail
  5. today
  6. became
  7. brain
  8. case
  9. scale
  10. pair
  11. lane
  12. train
 Week 2


  1. teeth
  2. dream
  3. feast
  4. beast
  5. feeling
  6. clean
  7. easy
  8. keep
  9. seat
  10. bees
  11. meal
  12. baby


Week 3


  1. bike
  2. while
  3. child
  4. fly
  5. light
  6. July
  7. prize
  8. flight
  9. night
  10. drive
  11. dime
  12. rise
Week 4


  1. coat
  2. grow
  3. hope
  4. road
  5. show
  6. joke
  7. woke
  8. coach
  9. float
  10. glow
  11. yellow
  12. ocean


Week 5


  1. blew
  2. grew
  3. due
  4. roots
  5. too
  6. cube
  7. use
  8. tune
  9. balloon
  10. chew
  11. clue
  12. super
 Week 6


  1. spent
  2. last
  3. plan
  4. check
  5. grand
  6. map
  7. stamp
  8. felt
  9. west
  10. past
  11. camp
  12. yell


Week 7


  1. grin
  2. body
  3. print
  4. stick
  5. cloth
  6. lunch
  7. clock
  8. such
  9. thing
  10. chunk
  11. knot
  12. grump
 Week 8


  1. reader
  2. player
  3. winter
  4. folder
  5. doctor
  6. corner
  7. letter
  8. summer
  9. favor
  10. actor
  11. never
  12. offer


Week 9


  1. shirt
  2. curly
  3. turn
  4. dirty
  5. hurry
  6. curb
  7. firmly
  8. birth
  9. flurry
  10. burn
  11. swirl
  12. hurt


Week 10


  1. soar
  2. repair
  3. shore
  4. dairy
  5. sure
  6. before
  7. hair
  8. board
  9. aware
  10. rare
  11. future
  12. secure
 Week 11


  1. I'm
  2. can't
  3. we're
  4. they're
  5. we've
  6. he's
  7. she's
  8. it's
  9. that's
  10. she'd
  11. let's
  12. I've


Week 12


  1. soil
  2. avoid
  3. royal
  4. join
  5. employ
  6. loyal
  7. oyster
  8. coil
  9. enjoy
  10. coin
  11. point
  12. joint


Week 13


  1. pretty
  2. shove
  3. please
  4. pride
  5. plain
  6. pledge
  7. shady
  8. prove
  9. third
  10. plenty
  11. present
  12. shape
 Week 14


  1. swift
  2. draft
  3. quick
  4. build
  5. attract
  6. child
  7. grump
  8. brick
  9. mend
  10. contact
  11. blend
  12. remind


Week 15


  1. strong
  2. present
  3. stink
  4. swinging
  5. silent
  6. slept
  7. prank
  8. contest
  9. instant
  10. feast
  11. bankrupt
  12. toast


Week 16


  1. beach
  2. catch
  3. reach
  4. match
  5. itch
  6. chew
  7. peach
  8. batch
  9. teach
  10. march
  11. coach
  12. ditch


Week 17


  1. spray
  2. shred
  3. splash
  4. thrown
  5. spring
  6. thread
  7. scrub
  8. shrub
  9. split
  10. stray
  11. square
  12. strip


Week 18


  1. phone
  2. follow
  3. flavor
  4. rough
  5. favorite
  6. tough
  7. laugh
  8. photo
  9. graph
  10. family
  11. trophy
  12. final
 Week 19


  1. knee
  2. climb
  3. wrap
  4. knock
  5. thumb
  6. knew
  7. gnaw
  8. comb
  9. wrong
  10. castle
  11. thistle
  12. hustle


Week 20


  1. game
  2. stage
  3. ginger
  4. gym
  5. jungle
  6. gentle
  7. gone
  8. change
  9. along
  10. germ
  11. sugar
  12. edge


Week 21


  1. pace
  2. pencil
  3. recycle
  4. city
  5. cent
  6. sauce
  7. price
  8. climb
  9. since
  10. castle
  11. color
  12. center


Week 22


  1. dipping
  2. using
  3. tried
  4. fitting
  5. pushed
  6. writing
  7. nodded
  8. hopped
  9. lifted
  10. saved
  11. making
  12. stopping


Week 23


  1. careless
  2. darkness
  3. happily
  4. deadly
  5. easily
  6. endless
  7. sickness
  8. colorful
  9. homeless
  10. finally
  11. useful
  12. goodness


Week 24


  1. lovable
  2. musical
  3. possible
  4. creepy
  5. magical
  6. readable
  7. breakable
  8. treatable
  9. usable
  10. horrible
  11. seventy
  12. sweaty


Week 25


  1. colder
  2. subtraction
  3. action
  4. decision
  5. closer
  6. enjoyment
  7. addition
  8. confusion
  9. excitement
  10. larger
  11. closest
  12. erosion


Week 26


  1. discolor
  2. reheat
  3. unpack
  4. rewrite
  5. impolite
  6. unknown
  7. immediate
  8. discover
  9. inactive
  10. reread
  11. include
  12. dislike


Week 27


  1. families
  2. boxes
  3. lives
  4. flies
  5. branches
  6. wives
  7. leaves
  8. pencils
  9. babies
  10. watches
  11. bodies
  12. screams
 Week 28


  1. anything
  2. everyone
  3. something
  4. anyway
  5. driveway
  6. someone
  7. airplane
  8. playtime
  9. classroom
  10. inside
  11. footstep
  12. outside


Week 29


  1. meet
  2. meat
  3. ate
  4. eight
  5. scent
  6. sent
  7. nose
  8. knows
  9. pair
  10. pear
  11. stair
  12. stare

Orange Group Word List 

Pink Group Word List 

Week 1


  1. blame
  2. state
  3. frame
  4. holiday
  5. relay
  6. waist
  7. pail
  8. gain
  9. raise
  10. mayor
  11. airplane
  12. remain
 Week 2


  1. between
  2. least
  3. east
  4. steam
  5. street
  6. eighteen
  7. beaver
  8. breeze
  9. weave
  10. honey
  11. meeting
  12. sleeping


Week 3


  1. replied
  2. sigh
  3. tight
  4. fright
  5. hire
  6. hydrant
  7. butterfly
  8. slight
  9. divide
  10. otherwise
  11. climb
  12. height


Week 4


  1. boast
  2. alone
  3. hotel
  4. moan
  5. obey
  6. pillow
  7. shown
  8. spoke
  9. clover
  10. crow
  11. load
  12. open


Week 5


  1. huge
  2. screw
  3. usually
  4. truth
  5. reduce
  6. afternoon
  7. crew
  8. confuse
  9. juice
  10. music
  11. excuse
  12. include
 Week 6


  1. feather
  2. else
  3. chapter
  4. traffic
  5. stand
  6. lesson
  7. spend
  8. dance
  9. friend
  10. answer
  11. rabbit
  12. desk


Week 7


  1. prompt
  2. drink
  3. honest
  4. crisp
  5. hundred
  6. notch
  7. hungry
  8. whip
  9. thunder
  10. doctor
  11. admit
  12. quick
 Week 8


  1. teacher
  2. brother
  3. mayor
  4. answer
  5. another
  6. rocker
  7. worker
  8. perfect
  9. trainer
  10. danger
  11. after
  12. flavor


Week 9


  1. thirst
  2. first
  3. rural
  4. circus
  5. squirt
  6. during
  7. current
  8. birthday
  9. sturdy
  10. circle
  11. church
  12. burst


Week 10


  1. aboard
  2. boredom
  3. airport
  4. ignore
  5. prairie
  6. staircase
  7. barely
  8. adore
  9. beware
  10. prepare
  11. assure
  12. mature
Week 11


  1. who's
  2. we'd
  3. you're
  4. could've
  5. isn't
  6. they'll
  7. I'll
  8. they've
  9. it'll
  10. don't
  11. they'd
  12. should've


Week 12


  1. broil
  2. voice
  3. spoil
  4. employee
  5. joyful
  6. choice
  7. annoy
  8. voyage
  9. noise
  10. rejoice
  11. moist
  12. pinpoint


Week 13


  1. president
  2. thought
  3. theater
  4. plastic
  5. shown
  6. produce
  7. theme
  8. shelter
  9. promise
  10. shield
  11. plenty
  12. proudly
 Week 14


  1. beyond
  2. affect
  3. drift
  4. thick
  5. react
  6. thrift
  7. collect
  8. stepchild
  9. attack
  10. subtract
  11. distract
  12. plump


Week 15


  1. absent
  2. sprang
  3. suggest
  4. rethink
  5. patient
  6. except
  7. crept
  8. overhang
  9. disrupt
  10. shrank
  11. overslept
  12. least


Week 16


  1. stitch
  2. approach
  3. crunch
  4. purchase
  5. drench
  6. notch
  7. catcher
  8. scratch
  9. wrench
  10. sketch
  11. munch
  12. witch


Week 17


  1. shrink
  2. script
  3. spread
  4. strange
  5. scrunch
  6. squeeze
  7. splinter
  8. sprint
  9. throat
  10. shrill
  11. squirm
  12. stream


Week 18


  1. feature
  2. physical
  3. dolphin
  4. orphan
  5. friendlier
  6. alphabet
  7. forgiveness
  8. enough
  9. laughable
  10. phrase
  11. cough
  12. atmosphere
 Week 19


  1. wreck
  2. wrist
  3. knot
  4. knight
  5. wreath
  6. lamb
  7. gnat
  8. gnome
  9. numb
  10. trestle
  11. jostle
  12. rustle


Week 20


  1. dragon
  2. guilt
  3. disgust
  4. engine
  5. gist
  6. guess
  7. guard
  8. geology
  9. urge
  10. garage
  11. village
  12. generous


Week 21


  1. century
  2. niece
  3. icicle
  4. fierce
  5. choice
  6. science
  7. celebrate
  8. glance
  9. citizen
  10. accept
  11. bicycle
  12. confident


Week 22


  1. dragging
  2. blaming
  3. traded
  4. hoping
  5. shopped
  6. ripped
  7. winning
  8. scrubbed
  9. dropping
  10. closed
  11. owing
  12. placing


Week 23


  1. directly
  2. wonderful
  3. powerful
  4. steadily
  5. happiness
  6. breathless
  7. entirely
  8. hopeful
  9. quietly
  10. closeness
  11. effortless
  12. wasteful


Week 24


  1. national
  2. healthy
  3. capable
  4. thirsty
  5. reliable
  6. flexible
  7. livable
  8. sensible
  9. enjoyable
  10. security
  11. terrible
  12. original


Week 25


  1. education
  2. treatment
  3. discussion
  4. prettiest
  5. younger
  6. dreamer
  7. conversation
  8. quickest
  9. permission
  10. exploration
  11. investment
  12. confusion


Week 26


  1. unfriendly
  2. rejoin
  3. impossible
  4. dishonesty
  5. recycle
  6. immature
  7. unlikely
  8. disorder
  9. reapply
  10. unhealthy
  11. disbelief
  12. increase


Week 27


  1. fairies
  2. guesses
  3. ladies
  4. speeches
  5. journeys
  6. pennies
  7. matches
  8. fries
  9. monkeys
  10. features
  11. wolves
  12. loaves
 Week 28


  1. downstairs
  2. everybody
  3. sometime
  4. headache
  5. evergreen
  6. breakfast
  7. background
  8. outfield
  9. somewhere
  10. worldwide
  11. sunflower
  12. keyboard


Week 29


  1. piece
  2. peace
  3. threw
  4. through
  5. flower
  6. flour
  7. where
  8. wear
  9. their
  10. there
  11. main
  12. mane
Week 1


  1. playground
  2. crayon
  3. potato
  4. against
  5. stadium
  6. claim
  7. hesitate
  8. Asia
  9. complain
  10. yesterday
  11. anyway
  12. prairie 
 Week 2


  1. angry
  2. please
  3. breathe
  4. everybody
  5. wreath
  6. complete
  7. wheat
  8. concrete
  9. squeeze
  10. company
  11. eager
  12. really


Week 3


  1. hillside
  2. pilot
  3. bright
  4. moonlight
  5. surprise
  6. pioneer
  7. firefly
  8. outside
  9. quiet
  10. behind
  11. describe
  12. identify


Week 4


  1. adobe
  2. coast
  3. globe
  4. suppose
  5. throat
  6. disown
  7. clothes
  8. compose
  9. although
  10. broken
  11. almost
  12. approach


Week 5


  1. rumor
  2. dispute
  3. raccoon
  4. conclude
  5. newspaper
  6. toothpaste
  7. tissue
  8. newt
  9. future
  10. human
  11. regular
  12. population
 Week 6


  1. absent
  2. canyon
  3. skeleton
  4. together
  5. guest
  6. graph
  7. fraction
  8. breath
  9. envelope
  10. adventure
  11. scramble
  12. alphabet


Week 7


  1. distrust
  2. shrimp
  3. adopt
  4. liquid
  5. instruct
  6. promise
  7. nonsense
  8. extinct
  9. underline
  10. comment
  11. whisper
  12. switch
 Week 8


  1. thunder
  2. author
  3. visitor
  4. remember
  5. honor
  6. senator
  7. trader
  8. wonder
  9. writer
  10. character
  11. illustrator
  12. pitcher


Week 9


  1. indirect
  2. girlfriend
  3. cursive
  4. surface
  5. shirttail
  6. plural
  7. murmur
  8. whirlwind
  9. purpose
  10. thirsty
  11. nature
  12. circuit


Week 10


  1. warehouse
  2. shoreline
  3. compare
  4. explore
  5. fairground
  6. despair
  7. hoarse
  8. chairman
  9. boarding
  10. carefree
  11. brochure
  12. obscure
 Week 11


  1. won't
  2. shouldn't
  3. couldn't
  4. wouldn't
  5. aren't
  6. doesn't
  7. wasn't
  8. weren't
  9. hasn't
  10. haven't
  11. hadn't
  12. didn't


Week 12


  1. poison
  2. appointment
  3. turquoise
  4. moisture
  5. employment
  6. turmoil
  7. destroy
  8. flamboyant
  9. royalty
  10. ointment
  11. disappoint
  12. boycott


Week 13


  1. shoulder
  2. preserve
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. plaque
  5. thesaurus
  6. shameless
  7. thermometer
  8. plateau
  9. shuffle
  10. pleasure
  11. preparation
  12. shallow
 Week 14


  1. demand
  2. artifact
  3. guild
  4. airlift
  5. thumbtack
  6. neglect
  7. overreact
  8. assumption
  9. prospect
  10. drawback
  11. grandstand
  12. reprimand


Week 15


  1. combustible
  2. resident
  3. attempt
  4. incident
  5. boomerang
  6. moment
  7. different
  8. intercept
  9. drawstring
  10. guest
  11. interrupt
  12. disgust


Week 16


  1. chimney
  2. twitch
  3. watchful
  4. ketchup
  5. snatch
  6. stretcher
  7. mischief
  8. purchase
  9. grandchild
  10. bleacher
  11. latch
  12. cheerful


Week 17


  1. straight
  2. scratch
  3. scrimp
  4. squelch
  5. sprawl
  6. splurge
  7. through
  8. shriek
  9. squash
  10. strength
  11. spruce
  12. thrive


Week 18


  1. geography
  2. photograph
  3. frightened
  4. telephone
  5. toughest
  6. fireworks
  7. elephant
  8. finalize
  9. paragraph
  10. frequency
  11. nephew
  12. hemisphere
 Week 19


  1. gnarl
  2. wrinkle
  3. knives
  4. knuckles
  5. knowledge
  6. wriggle
  7. plumber
  8. limb
  9. gnash
  10. wrestler
  11. combing
  12. bristles


Week 20


  1. government
  2. glimpse
  3. generosity
  4. oxygen
  5. genuine
  6. gigantic
  7. beverage
  8. dungeon
  9. disgusting
  10. vegetable
  11. ecology
  12. glossary


Week 21


  1. celebration
  2. cease
  3. acceptance
  4. excitement
  5. classify
  6. decimal
  7. ounce
  8. honeycomb
  9. cylinder
  10. balance
  11. cyclone
  12. article


Week 22


  1. exploring
  2. thinning
  3. blurred
  4. changing
  5. boasted
  6. flaming
  7. piling
  8. squealed
  9. swimming
  10. sobbed
  11. squirmed
  12. quitting


Week 23


  1. frequently
  2. beautiful
  3. constantly
  4. defenseless
  5. thoughtful
  6. meaningless
  7. distinctly
  8. lazily
  9. plentiful
  10. regardless
  11. readiness
  12. carelessness


Week 24


  1. comfortable
  2. exceptional
  3. invincible
  4. acceptable
  5. creativity
  6. disposable
  7. ability
  8. questionable
  9. eligible
  10. profitable
  11. believable
  12. imaginable


Week 25


  1. inspiration
  2. comprehension
  3. steadier
  4. argument
  5. friendliest
  6. expression
  7. assignment
  8. fiercest
  9. organization
  10. persuasion
  11. government
  12. fascination


Week 26


  1. disagreement
  2. reusable
  3. unexpected
  4. discontinue
  5. unnoticed
  6. disappear
  7. request
  8. unacceptable
  9. rephrase
  10. immigrant
  11. independence
  12. research


Week 27


  1. shelves
  2. sandwiches
  3. thieves
  4. bonuses
  5. knives
  6. guppies
  7. citizens
  8. supplies
  9. nineties
  10. chimneys
  11. trophies
  12. diaries
 Week 28


  1. copyright
  2. earthquake
  3. masterpiece
  4. motorcycle
  5. windshield
  6. wastebasket
  7. worthwhile
  8. lifeguard
  9. gentleman
  10. skyscraper
  11. heavyweight
  12. throughout


Week 29


  1. morning
  2. mourning
  3. principle
  4. principal
  5. accept
  6. except
  7. presence
  8. presents
  9. weight
  10. wait
  11. patience
  12. patients