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  • I will send an email home each week (Sunday) with updates and information that parents need to know.  Please take the time to read it as it will answer many questions for you.
  • On occasion we will have book reports to complete. Students will have 2 weeks to complete the reports.
  • They should be reading a chapter book for these reports, which are linked below.
We will be using Google Classroom as a home base for much of our work this year. 
  • We will complete work from GC, Canvas as well as in class assignments.
  • Please accept my parent invitation for Google Classroom.  This will send you a weekly email about any missing assignments and grades for the week.

  • Please know, the amount of work your student has WILL increase as the year continues.  As they become more comfortable with the technology and the third grade curriculum I will add on more and more.  It may not seem like a lot at first but don't worry, it will increase as our technological abilities improve.