Our Daily Schedule

8:00-8:30         Breakfast and Morning Work 

8:30-8:40         Morning Meeting

8:40-9:25         Specials  (On Monday we have an extra special from 9:30 to 10:15)

9:30-10:15       Science and/or Social Studies

10:15-11:15     Math 

11:15-12:15    Literacy Block 1 (we will have a working snack during this time)

12:15-1:15      Literacy Block 2

1:20-1:50        Lunch

1:50-2:20       Recess (on Fridays we will have Mrs. Mooney's class)

2:20-2:55       Eagle Power Hour

2:55-3:00       Pack up and Dismissal

HOMEWORK- Will be assigned on an As Needed basis only.

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